Thursday, March 26, 2009


joel ` jason ` zeke @ our slacking place!

adam and me!!!

cny with couziee darwin! :D


june & qiangqiang!

new year photo! =)

joel and nemmuel!

joel & jackie

Updated! uhh! some old pic to new photos! haha..

yesterday at Daniel's place! was hell lot of fun !! hahahha! movies + learning how to make a hamburger! first time in my life eat so much veg! hohoho! some funny pics taken! =D

Just woke up, this afternoon went to cmpb for interview. Kinda sad.. cos they told me qualification need at least 3O's! well.. get scammed by the mp officer of cos .__." so applied for Signal.. called my brother when i reach home, he say the job nt really good. So gonna see how it goes! Lead me God!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh! oh well! this sat gonna have a big gathering with cliques! miss you guys loads!

loves joel -

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